时间:2009 年5月21日(周四)上午8:30
报告题目: Some Directions in Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC) and Self-Organized Computability
Jiming Liu is a Professor and the Head of Computer Science Department at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Hong Kong. Prof. Liu is presently working on Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC), Web Intelligence (WI), Self-Organizing Systems, and Complex/Social Networks. His previous research has focused on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human-Machine Interaction, and Pattern Analysis. Prof. Liu has contributed to the scientific literature in those areas. His work on AOC and Nature-Inspired Computing (NIC) was highlighted in Science, October 2006, in Editors’ Choice, and the work on Adaptive User Interface was referenced in Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century outlined by the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Prof. Liu was invited to give Keynote Talks at ICNC’08-FSKD’08, AWIC’07, RSEISP’07, RSKT 2006, AMT’06, and AWIC’05, and Invited Plenary Talks at KES’05, MMAS 2004, ISMIS’03, and IJCAI’03, among others. He received the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work at HKBU in 2007.